
Reveal the talents, Commit the ressources, Propel the ideas and Create a start-up

Because a lot of ideas died before being materialized, the Galilé Group launched Galilé 360°. Its aim is to support the entrepreneurs of tomorrow, transmitting them some knowledge and competencies through a mentor –an experienced company director or top executive- who guide them, support them and avoid them to fall and fail at the start of their activities.

We are identifying some project holders through this platform whose one of its goals is the creation of long-term jobs. Galilé 360° counts several mentors who are all experts in their fields such as engineering, business, management, technical professions, sale, purchase, communication, finance, audit…

Our Partners

The Galilé 360° partners are involved in the success of project holders : HEC Paris, Ecole Polytechnique, EM Lyon, ESC Dijon, BPI France, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, les Chambres de Commerce et d’Industrie, l’APEC, Les Entrepreneuriales (ANLE), l’Association Entreprendre pour Apprendre Bourgogne and le Réseau Entreprendre.

The contest “1 idée = 1 emploi” (“1 idea = 1 job”)

Every year, Galilé 360° will reward project holders who share the values of the group. Every effort will be made for their whole success.

The 2016 edition winners of Galilé 360° Prices: MyJobGlasses and my-OCCS

Tuesday 16th February 2016, Emilie Korchia, founder of MyJobGlasses, won the Galilé 360° Great Price which allowed her to earn the equivalent of a 6 months entrepreneur wage, and Sébastien Salmon, who created my-OCCS.fr , won the Galilé 360° special price which permit him to pay his first employee during 1 year.

Olivier Dassault, Deputy of Oise, the Chairman of the supervisory board of the industrial group Marcel Dassault and President of Génération Entreprise – Entrepreneurs Associés (GEEA) and Eric Michoux, CEO of Galilé Group and creator of Galilé 360° awarded the prices to the winners.

